Features Overview
Lower cost of capital
Companies looking for access to lower costs of capital can use the Lenox Platform to reach new capital markets.
We use the blockchain technology to enable access to capital that sits in the crypto markets and to enable secondary market trading.
Our focus is enabling social goodness by using technology to help issuers who are looking to fund projects that affect sustainable development goals.
The record keeping functionality of the blockchain technology also enables this access to capital at lower costs; please refer to our ‘Data Reference’ and ‘Service Provider’ sections for additional information.
new markets
Companies looking to invest in assets that affect sustainable development goals can use the Lenox platform to reach social goodness projects.
We use an integrated blockchain and enterprise grade database technology to enable access to information needed in order to manage risk while gaining entry to projects that fit investment profiles.
The record keeping functionality of the blockchain technology also enables this risk management function, and extends it to enable trading in secondary markets; please refer to our ‘Data Reference’ and ‘Service Provider’ sections for more information.
automated reporting
Professional service providers looking to help with the reporting and compliance of assets can use the Lenox platform to manage the costs of servicing issuances.
We use an integrated blockchain and enterprise grade database technology to enable access to asset information required to perform a variety of diligence, reporting, compliance and filing services.
The record keeping functionality of the blockchain technology combined with permissioned access management capabilities enables service providers to reduce costs associated with reconciliations and use of proceeds reporting.
By reducing costs associated with reporting functions, it will become more economical for service providers to assist companies looking to issue social goodness assets, which generally carry higher reporting requirements than other assets.
Please refer to our ‘Data Reference’ and ‘Issuer’ sections for more information.